Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Headache for Advil

According to a recent article on, the maker of Advil, Wyeth, will be running ads to clarify that a stronger dosage of pain reliever will not be available. Some retailers were advertising in flyers that the new medicine would be on store shelves soon. Advil’s new ads state, “Any notice of the availability of Advil Maximum Strength was in error: Advil Maximum Strength is not available for sale. We apologize to our retailers and their shoppers.” The article goes on to report the different types of Advil that are currently available to consumers and then reports the recently dropped stock price.

I was surprised that this article was one of the top stories on the health page at It seemed to be extremely biased, shifting the blame to the retailers, claiming that they falsely advertised the product. In the article, Advil is framed as a responsible corporation fixing the retailer’s mistake and using the miscommunication to explain the lowered stock price. The story does not cover any details regarding why the FDA did not approve the new drug. A news story should offer the audience significant information presented with balance and objectivity to be considered newsworthy. There are many other health dilemmas that are far more important that should be covering.


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