Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Oprah’s School Scandal

Oprah has finally hit a spot in her career where she needs a little crisis communication.

Allegations surfaced two weeks ago that a "dorm parent" had been accused of fondling a girl and physically and verbally abusing several others, including grabbing them about the neck, beating them and hurling them against a wall at her Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa.

"I've disappointed you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry," a tearful Winfrey told angry families who showed up for an emergency meeting at the Academy. “I trusted her," Winfrey told the families regarding the principal. "When I appointed her, I thought she was passionate about the children of Africa. But I've been disappointed."

A recent CNN poll asked the question “Oprah’s School Scandal: Will it tarnish her reputation?” 79 percent of the respondents said “No” while 21 percent said “Yes.” I would have to say that I agree that Oprah would have to do something utterly immoral before her reputation could ever be tarnished. This incident will only be a minor but important hurdle.

As for a crisis communication stand point, she’s doing the right thing. Oprah continues to maintain a reputation for having an overall “open and honest” policy with her publics at all times. “We don't blame you," a father was quoted as saying. "You have more passion for the school and its existence than anyone else in this country, including us parents."


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