Monday, October 8, 2007

Bill Clinton's Potential New Role

In a recent article on, former U.S. President, Bill Clinton commented on what his role would be in the White House if Hillary were to win the election. After being questioned in an interview in Britain, Bill Clinton said his wife wants him to lead efforts to rebuild the United States’ tarnished reputation abroad. He highlighted that it is important to Hillary to restore America’s standing with the rest of the world. Bill Clinton said that for the first time in his political experience, “ordinary Americans in the heartlands,” were concerned about how the world sees the U.S. after years of unilateralism of President Bush’s administration on issues such as Iraq, climate change, and nuclear nonproliferation. Mentioning the support garnered from around the world after 9/11, Bill Clinton said that it was at that moment that we began to enrage the world. Bill Clinton lauded the six-nation North Korea arms talks as an example of success when the United States moved from unilateralism to working with others.

Bill Clinton has stayed out of the spotlight for most of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. Although he has been present at most of her campaign events, he has only been vocal about promoting his new book. I think the idea behind this article is a valuable addition to her campaign strategy, highlighting her husband’s role in the White House if she were to win. Michelle Obama has been present throughout Barack Obama’s campaign promoting the idea that they are a team focusing on change. Although the article of Bill Clinton’s role helped place him in the picture, it focused on what she wanted him to do, not what he thought he might be able to use his new position to achieve. I think Hillary would be smart to draw on her husband’s presidential experience as a valuable component of her campaign.


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