Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Chance for Answers

Unlike Cindy Sheehan, the ever-suffering military mom who demanded a meeting with President Bush after her son was killed in action, Donna Zovko is going to get to meet with the man she holds responsible for the death of her son.

Jerry Zovko was killed in Iraq while working as a security contractor for Blackwater, and she is haunted by the image of her son being dragged through the streets and mutilated on camera. She has appeared on tv herself, appealing to Blackwater Chairman Erik Prince to speak to her about her son's death.

Donna Zovko told that Blackwater chief Prince showed an interest in doing the right thing after the terrifying death of her son, but she was disappointed with the lack of information given to her about the circumstances involved in the incident. She is still looking for answers to the many questions she has.

Prince is doing the right thing by agreeing to speak to Zovko. Blackwater has faced a great deal of controversy about their role in several incidents in Iraq, and the for the chairman to speak to a mother of one of the victims of such an incident will help the company combat the negative image it has acquired. In this case, being upfront with information will help improve how the public sees the company.


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